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Enrolment Catchment

The new school is located in the Parish of Epping at 10 Baltrum Drive, Wollert. Enrolments are open to families living on the East side of Epping Road and North of the transmission lines, according to the parish enrolment policy.

View the Glowrey Enrolment Catchment Map.


Glowrey Catholic Primary School will be open to all families who respect and support the Catholic mission and traditions of the school, including non-Catholic families. However, according to guidelines set by Catholic Education, priority entry will be given to baptised Catholic students.

We believe that parents are the first and the most influential educators of their children, and that effective partnership between school and home is essential for any aspect of education. Such a partnership requires a shared responsibility between the family and the teachers, particularly in the education in faith.


The St. Peter’s (Epping) Enrolment Policy is consistent with the CEM Policy 2.4 Enrolment for Schools in the Archdiocese of Melbourne.

A full copy of the St. Peter’s (Epping) enrolment policy can be downloaded here.

The following list provides an agreed order of priority for enrolment in Catholic primary schools in the parish of St. Peter’s, Epping. The order of priority is:

  1. Catholic children who are residents of the parish and reside within the catchment area of the school to which enrolment is sought.
  2. Siblings of children already enrolled within the school to which enrolment is sought.
  3. Catholic children who do not reside in the parish but are recognised as parishioners by the Parish Priest.
  4. Catholic children from other parishes (for pastoral reasons).
  5. Children from non-Catholic Eastern churches who reside in the parish.
  6. Children from non-Catholic Eastern churches who reside outside the parish.
  7. Other Christian children who reside in the parish.
  8. Other Christian children who reside outside the parish.
  9. Non-Christian children who reside in the parish.
  10. Non-Christian children who reside outside the parish.

Enrolment Process and Procedures

CEOM Policy 2.4 will guide all decisions that relate to Enrolment process and procedures.

To download the School Enrolment Form please click here.

You will need to return the form via email or send to:

Tim Kelly
School Principal
Glowrey Catholic Primary School
10 Baltrum Drive
Wollert Victoria 3750

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