School Fees
School fees for 2024:
- School Fees $2000 per family
- Building Levy $100 per family
- Student Levy $500 per student
Payment Terms:
These are Annual School Fees and Student Levies for the 2024 school year. The student Levy must be paid in Term 1. Families will have the option to pay the total school fee account in full at commencement of the school year or in 3 instalments at the commencement of Terms 1, 2 & 3. Payments may be made in cash, Direct Credit via internet banking, by cheque, VISA, MasterCard or by instalments through our Direct Debit (weekly, fortnightly or monthly) facility. The Direct Debit facility is a proven success and spreads the annual payment throughout the school year.
If your family is experiencing financial difficulties impacting the ability to pay school fees, please contact our Office Manager, Elisa or School Registrar, Emilia to make an appointment with the Principal.
Concessional school fees may be available to any family that meets the eligibility criteria.
Direct Credit Internet Banking for School
Account: Glowrey Catholic Primary School
BSB: 083 347
Account Number: 76 2605 188
Ref: Your eldest child & Family name